6 February 2012


 Contacto correo-e:diabetes@umh.es
Data from health organizations and epidemiological studies indicate that the two most
common forms of diabetes are increasing at alarming rates; almost 200 million people
worldwide have diabetes and this estimate is expected to double by 2030. Both genetic
and environmental factors contribute to the etiology of diabetes. The current diabetes
epidemic is due, in part, to life-style factors including calorie-rich diets and the lack of
physical exercise. However, other environmental factors such as the increased presence
of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) may also play an important role in the
incidence of metabolic diseases. Bisphenol-A (BPA), the main component of
polycarbonate plastics, is a widespread endocrine disruptor that has been proposed as
“diabetogenic” in epidemiological as well as in animal models and cellular and
molecular studies from our group and others. In this project we will study how BPA
affects insulin sensitivity in peripheral tissue and insulin release from beta cells in adults
and offspring exposed in utero. The aims of the project are:
1) To study the actions of oral BPA exposure in young and aged male mice treated
with chow and high fat diet.
2) To study the alteration of plasma metabolites as well as key molecules involved
in the development of insulin resistance in liver and skeletal muscle of adult
male offspring whose mothers were exposed to BPA during pregnancy.
Epigenetic alterations will be explored.
3) To characterize the action of high fat diet in the offspring born to mothers
exposed to BPA during pregnancy, with an emphasis in beta cell function.
Epigenetic alterations will be explored.
4) To study the impact of BPA exposure during pregnancy in the development of
obesity and type 2 diabetes in mothers through the postpartum period. We will
particularly focus on endocrine pancreatic function, although insulin signaling
on peripheral tissues will be also studied.

Información complementaria de la oferta:
Se oferta una beca FPI asociada al proyecto BFU2011-28358 del Ministerio de
Economía y Competitividad, cuyo investigador principal es el Dr Angel Nadal,
catedrático de Fisiología de la Universidad Miguel Hernández. La investigación se
realizará en Instituto de Bioingeniería y CIBERDEM, Universidad Miguel Hernández
de Elche. El proyecto de investigación requerirá principalmente la combinación de
técnicas de fisiología celular con métodos de biología molecular. El candidato debe
contar con un grado en Biotecnología, Químicas, Biológicas, Bioquímica, Farmacia o
estudios afines. Se valorará la motivación por la investigación, y preferentemente, la
experiencia previa en técnicas de fisiología, biología molecular o celular. Se requiere un
expediente igual o superior a 2.0.
El plazo de presentación de solicitudes finaliza el 10 de Febrero de 2012.
Se ruega a los interesados que envíen su curriculum vitae a Diabetes@umh.es. Más
información sobre el grupo de investigación en http://diabetes.umh.es/islet.asp
o llamando al             96 522 2002      .

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